Frequently Asked Questions
How much will it cost to publish abstracts?
The normal fees are:
Abstract eBook - CHF 900 for 40 abstracts + CHF 25 per additional abstract
Are there any special discounts provided?
Please contact our Journal Development team in the related Frontiers Journal.
How long will it take for our abstract eBook to be published online?
Abstract eBooks take around 4 weeks from production to publication
Where will my book be available, and in what formats?
eBooks will be available online in PDF and EPUB formats, and deposited in CrossRef.
What are the word and character limits?
Title: 500 character
Text: 1,000 words
Figures: 2 (Include the figure captions at the bottom of the figure in the figure file)
No Supplementary Material
How can I submit my abstracts?
Organizers must collect their abstracts themselves, or using another platform, and then send them to us in a single Word document. Figures must be provided in a zipped folder and named appropriately. The ONLINE FORM should then be filled out and the files uploaded there.
Copyright: Can I distribute and share my eBook?
Each abstract, as well as the collection of abstracts, are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY licence and may thus be reproduced, translated, adapted and be the subject of derivative works provided the authors and Frontiers are attributed.
You can host the eBook on your personal website, send it to friends and colleagues, share it on social media, etc.
For further information, please see our terms and conditions.